Huron Literary Society
The Huron Literary Society (HLS) seeks to connect English students and other literary enthusiasts with each other, career and academic opportunities, and the greater literary community. HLS offers career, academic, personal, and creative support, and caters its events to students seeking greater involvement in the world of literature and related career paths.
Activities We Participate In:
Career Support Events
Academic Support Events
Creative Writing Contest
Ongoing Book Club & Trivia Night (with prizes!)
Ongoing Mentorship Programs
Ongoing Study Groups
Annual Writing Contest and Writing Workshops
Click “Join Mailing List” to become a member of the club.
Club Executives:
President: Bella Pick
VP Finance: Josephine Winsor
VP Events: Lauren Schwartz
1st Year Representative: Sebastian McKee
1st Year Representative: Christian Hayward
VP Academic: Avery Fernandes
VP Communications: Holly Steen
VP Research: Emily Driscoll
VP Mentorship: Cree Davis